2020 Surgical Infection Olympics in Madrid

The 2020 Surgical Infection Olympics will be hosted by Madrid, Spain during the European Congress on Surgical Infections in September.

The Olympics and subsequent Surgical Infection Society Europe (SIS-E) conference will cover not only the recent aspects of known issues, but also new frontiers of surgical infections. Surgical researchers, surgical residents, nurses, infection control practitioners and surgeons are encouraged to participate in or contribute to the congress.

Conference themes include:

  • Management & closure of the open abdomen
  • Interactive cases on surgical infections
  • Global surgery symposium: Damage Control Surgery
  • Instillation therapy with negative pressure in the open abdomen
  • Reducing sepsis-related mortality

The 2020 SIS-E Olympics and conference will be September 2-4 at the Tryp Madrid Atocha Hotel in Madrid, Spain.

Visit the Surgical Infection Society Europe website for more information.

Hernia Surgery Summit in March

Columbia Comprehensive Hernia Center's 11th Annual Hernia Surgery Summit is focused on reconstruction of abdominal wall defects, which remains one of the most challenging dilemmas facing surgeons. Even though ventral hernia repair remains one of the most common procedures performed, there is little consensus as to the best surgical technique, prosthetic material of choice, or strategies to repair complex defects.

Learning objectives include:

  • Minimally Invasive Hernia Repairs
  • Robotic Hernia Repairs
  • Complex open abdominal wall reconstruction techniques
    • Open (traditional) component separation
    • Laparoscopic and periumbilical sparing component separation
    • Posterior component separation and transversus abdominis release (TAR)
    • Laparoscopic and Robotic Totally Extraperitoneal Retromuscular Repairs
  • Para-stomal and other difficult hernia repairs
  • Reconstructions in setting infection, contamination, enterocutaneous fistulas, loss of abdominal domain
  • Umbilical and inguinal hernia repairs
  • Comprehensive review of groin repairs and groin pain management
  • Plastic surgery considerations for difficult soft tissue scenarios

The 2020 conference will be March 5-7 at the The Cliff Lodge in Snowbird, Utah.  Visit the Hernia Surgery Summit website to see the full conference agenda.

Fistula Management Team at SAWC Spring 2020

It takes a village to care for fistula patients.

Experience a multidisciplinary team approach to fistula management at SAWC Spring.

Mary Anne Obst and Kristen Lindvall from the Complex Abdominal Reconstruction (CARS) team at Regions Hospital will present Team Management of Enteroatmospheric Fistulas.  They will share the CARS methodology for fistula patient care during the 6 to 18 month wait time before definitive surgical treatment.  They will cover wound care, nutritional support, psychosocial counsel, medical management, and surgical planning.

Virtual Grand Round – Entero-cutaneous and entero-atmospheric fistulas: Have we had a paradigm shift in management?

The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma is hosting the virtual grand round: Entero-cutaneous and entero-atmospheric fistulas: Have we had a paradigm shift in management?  The live broadcast is November 20, 2019 at 5:00 PM Eastern.

Dr. Richard Miller, Chief, Division of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care at Vanderbilt Medical Center will be presenting.

Click here for more information.

SAWC Fall 2019: Ask a Surgeon about Fistula and Ostomy Management

Ever wish you could ask a surgeon a question about a fistula or ostomy?  Here is your chance! For example, why is this stoma flat? Can you help with this sidewall fistula? Why do we need to wait so long to repair a fistula?

Send your questions or cases for Dr. David Dries’ perspective on solutions.  Selected questions and cases will be reviewed during the “Ask a Surgeon” portion of Session 13 - Fistula and Ostomy Management for the Wound Provider at the SAWC Fall conference on October 12th.

Help Fistula Patients Reduce Their Surgery Risk with the CeDAR App

Download the free CeDAR app to facilitate conversations with patients about their fistula repair surgery risk profile.  The app is available in the App Store or Google Play.

Users simply answer eight questions about themselves, including height and weight. A percentage chance of developing specific postoperative complications requiring treatment is calculated, along with the corresponding cost of this treatment. These results can then be used to discuss a patient’s risk for wound problems after surgery and what changes they can make to improve the odds for a good result.

Wound problems after surgery are the major reason for increased cost of surgery, including the added cost of other procedures, hospital stays and clinic visits. Because of their wounds, these patients often are not able to work and lose time and money because of specialty wound care, travel, clinic visits and/or hospital stays. The app predicts the risks and financial impact of wound-related problems using a mathematical equation derived from real patient data. Helping patients understand their risks can facilitate a deeper conversation about behavioral changes that will reduce the risk of wound problems.

Free Webinar on Comprehensive Management of Digestive Tract Fistulas

Mary Anne Obst, RN, CWON, CCRN, presents in this free recorded webinar that will increase your knowledge of enteric fistulas and their management. This informative program will give you practical insights into assessing the patient with an enteric fistula.  Mary Anne will also cover the medical, surgical, and wound care strategies that can help optimize patient outcomes.

Click here to view the webinar.

Sharing her clinical expertise as a complex abdomen specialist, Ms. Obst will outline the risk factors associated with enteric fistulas and the preventive measures that may help reduce complications.  Critical factors for successful fistula management and closure will be covered.  Mary Anne will also discuss specific wound care principles and the application of the "pinch test" as the gateway to surgical readiness.

Fistula Training with the thumbroll App

The free thumbroll app has a new step-by-step training module on Enteroatmospheric Fistula Wound Management.  Simply download it from the App Store or Google Play and start learning.

The fistula module is in the General Surgery section of the app.  thumbroll uses real images to show how to use the Wound Crown in detailed steps, making it easily digestible.  Learn at your pace as you scroll through each step of the process.

thumbroll is like a visual checklist. Content is broken down to the component steps, allowing you to just see what is necessary to learn the material.

thumbroll is a free learning tool for all medical trainees and professionals worldwide and it is available for iOS & Android.

For more information:

  • facebook.com/thumbrollmed
  • instagram.com/thumbroll
  • youtube.com/c/thumbrollmedical

Florida Enteric Fistula Management Hands-on Workshop

Kersten Reider BSN, RN, CWOCN, will be conducting a hands-on enteric fistula management workshop at the 2019 Florida Association of Enterostomal Therapists Conference in Gainsville, Florida. The workshop begins at 4:30 PM on Friday, May 31st in the Hilton University of Florida Conference Center.

Reider notes, “Enteroatmospheric fistulas (EAF) are common complications of open abdomen bowel surgery. An EAF is a devastating complication for both surgeon, clinical provider, and patient. Prior to the advent of sophisticated treatment plans, EAF’s held a large mortality rate. Traditionally, management of EAFs had involved placing large fistula management pouches over the wound to collect and contain effluent. However, at FAET we will be demonstrating more current techniques to isolate and heal fistulas.”.

Kersten is a Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse with Tower Health System in West Reading, Pennsylvania. She has extensive experience in managing enteric fistulas and using Fistula Solution devices. Her workshop will teach you new ways to address your fistula challenges.

Visit the FAET website to see the full conference agenda.

2018 FAET Enteric Fistula Workshop

Recommended Enteric Fistula Reading: 2018 Atlas of Critical Care Procedures

Find excellent guidance on the Local Management of Enteroatmospheric Fistulae in Chapter 34 of the Atlas of Critical Care Procedures, Editors: Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and Philip D. Lumb.

This atlas is an all-inclusive resource that describes step by step how to perform the essential bedside procedures required to provide optimal care to the critically ill patient. Detailed descriptions of these procedures, with sequential photographs depicting each critical step, provide an in depth understanding of the anatomy, critical technical steps and common pitfalls to both military and civilian trainees. For the advanced professional operator, this atlas will provide a rapid refresher of the critical steps and is an excellent teaching resource, based on the decades of collective experience accumulated by the authors. This atlas is a standard reference for surgeons, critical care physicians, nurses and all critical care professionals who manage enteric fistulas and complex wounds.